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nedelja, 3. marec 2013

Avantgardistični manifest in jezik

V svoji analizi futurističnih manifestov Marjorie Perloff opisuje prelom s političnim manifestom kot »transformacijo oblike, ki je bila tradicionalno razumljena kot sredstvo politične izjave, v literarni, lahko bi to imenovali tudi kvazi-poetični konstrukt« (Perloff [1986]*, 82). […] S preoblikovanjem zgodovinskega dogodka, ki ga je tradicionalno najavljal politični manifest, v poetični dogodek zgodovinske avantgarde definirajo jezik kot gonilno silo zgodovine, s tem pa je revolucionarna akcija neločljivo zvezana z jezikovno izvršitvijo samega manifesta: manifest je istočasno napoved in izvršitev lastne revolucionarne akcije.
Benedikt Hjartarson: Myths of Rupture: The Manifesto and the Concept of Avant-Garde. V: Astradur Eysteinsson & Vivian Liska (eds.): Modernism. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company 2007; str. 178–179


In her analysis of the futurist manifesto, Marjorie Perloff has described the break with the political manifesto as “the transformation of what had traditionally been a vehicle for political statement into a literary, one might say, a quasi-poetic construct” (Perloff [1986], 82). […] By transforming the historical event traditionally declared in the political manifesto into a poetic event, the historical avant-garde defines language itself as the driving force of history, thus making revolutionary action inseparable from the linguistic performance of the manifesto itself: the manifesto is simultaneously the declaration and the execution of its own revolutionary action.


* Marjorie Perloff. 1986. The Futurist Moment. Avant-Garde, Avant Guerre and the Language of Rupture. Chicago, London: Chicago University Press

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