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ponedeljek, 6. maj 2013

Moderni subjekt in mesto

Kader iz Langovega Metropolisa. Vir: klik.
Ker je imela moč monetarne ekonomije prosto pot v metropoli in so bile njene posledice tam najbolj očitne, si je urbana moderna v drugi polovici devetnajstega stoletja hitro pridobila sloves objektiviziranega okolja, brezbrižnega do vrednosti [vrednot]. Bila je živa reklama za kulturo, ki poganja onstran vsega osebnega. Tu, v stavbah in izobraževalnih ustanovah, v čudežu in udobju tehnologije, ki si je podjarmila prostor, v ureditvah skupnega življenja in v vidnih državnih institucijah, tu se je ponujalo takšno nepremagljivo bogastvo kristaliziranega, neosebnega razuma, da osebnost, kakršna je bila, soočena z njim ni mogla vzdržati. (Georg Simmel: The Metropolis and Mental Life, 410)
Bart Keunen: Living with Fragments: World Making in Modernist City Literature. V: Astradur Eysteinsson & Vivian Liska (eds.): Modernism. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company 2007; str. 273


Because the power of the money economy had a free reign in the metropolis and its implications were most clearly visible there, urban modernity during the second half of the nineteenth century quickly gained the reputation of being an objectified environment, indifferent to values. It was the genuine showplace of this culture which grows beyond all that is personal. Here, in buildings and educational institutions, in the wonders and comforts of space-conquering technology, in the formations of communal life and in the visible state institutions, there is offered such an overpowering wealth of crystallised, impersonalised mind that the personality, as it were, cannot maintain itself when confronted with it. (Simmel [1950], 410)